Will the sections have services running to them?

Yes – roading, water, sewerage, electricity, telephone and broadband internet services to the boundary

Is there a Geotech report?

Yes, LDE have completed a Geotech engineering report. The report is available to download here

What sort of foundation will be required?
Just a normal house foundation should be all that is required. The LDE Geotech report concluded that “conventional shallow foundation systems in accordance with NZS3604 (2011) and NZS4429 (2013) are generally expected to be appropriate for the site”.

The report therefore concludes that there is no requirement for a TC2 foundation at the site. “The foundations for the buildings are expected to be founded within the high strength residual soils. This is expected to enable shallow conventional concrete NZS3604 (2011) and NZS4429 (2013) designs to be used with no modification necessary. Conventional waffle slabs can also be constructed without modification.”

When can I view the section?
For health and safety reasons access to the site during construction will be restricted. Viewing can be arranged with your sales consultants. You are welcome to drive by down Russell Street, and view from the road.

Physical works have now commenced and are scheduled to be finished 14 July 2023.  At that point the Central Hawkes Bay District Council can issue an infrastructure completion certificate (known as the 224c certificate). This is expected to be issued in August 2023. Titles are usually issued by LINZ around one month after the 224c certificate is issued.

Are there any restrictions on what I can build?
There are covenants on the development to ensure a good quality of housing and to protect your investment. Please refer to the Covenants and the Further Terms of Sale in the Sale and Purchase document and discuss with your solicitor.
Are new relocatable dwellings allowed?

Yes, but we have limiting the number and sites upon which they are permitted.  A maximum of 7 sites may be developed with relocatable dwellings.  The dwellings must be brand new.  They must have a floor area of 95m² plus detached garage.

Are double storey dwellings allowed?

To protect sunlight to other properties, only the four sites along the southern edge of the subdivision may be double storey.  The others must be single storey.

Do I have to use obtain a quote from a specific supplier for building materials?
No. Some development companies have relationships with building suppliers, and place terms in land covenants favouring those building supply companies. We don’t.
In the future, when I want to sell, do I have to use a specific real estate agency?
No. Some development companies have relationships with real estate agencies, and place terms in land covenants favouring those real estate agencies. We don’t. You can sell privately or through any real estate agency of your choice.

Contact Us

19-29 Russell Street,
Otane, Hawkes Bay

15 + 7 =